Teachings and Commentaries
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Commentaries by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
- Guru Rinpoche Pointing out Instructions Given to the Old Woman V7
- Long Praise to Manjushri Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche V1
- The Supplication to the Ultimate Illustrious Tara
- The Six Paramitas
- Dream Yoga Root Text v. 2 with page links Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
- Dream Yoga Commentary Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche 8_20_2021
- Guru Devotion Commentary Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche_GBI 8062021
- Long Praise to Manjushri Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche Commentary 2.04.2021
- Supplication to Tara Short Commentary Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche 6302021
- Khenpo Samdup Explanation of the Guru Rinpoche Mantra
- Essence of Mahayana
Instructions from Garchen Rinpoche
- A Brief instruction on Tara
- Encouraging the Disciples to continue with the main Drubchen and Practices
- Explaining the refuge card
- Fire Flame Meditation
- Garchen Rinpoche Quotes 1
- Garchen Rinpoche Quotes 2
- How Tara saved me from Dangers Narratives by H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
- How to visualise Amitabha at time of death
- How to conceive a child
- Instructions for Dying
- Introduction to Ritual Instruments of the Vajra Master
- Jangchok Teachings
- Meditation Instruction
- OM AH Hung Vajra Recitation
- Refuge
- The Benefits of a Alms Bowl
- The Samadi empowerment
- The Six syllables in the Vajrakilaya and the Inscription for the Deceased practices
- Chod teachings
A Lamp to dispell Darkness
Commentary on 4 dharma’s of Gampopla
Mind Training
PowerPoint of teachings by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Spanish Translations
Teachings by Tsokempa
Transference of Consciousness
Transcription of teachings by Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Words of the Buddha